V.A.T.P. Benefits


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ATP Benefits

Best Quality

VMEdu invests in creating the Best Quality study materials and student experience in all websites and courses. Our V.A.T.P.s will have the ability to offer our Best-in-Quality training to students, with near-zero upfront investment. Moreover, the online experience and physical classroom materials are co-branded with the logos of our V.A.T.P.s (A demonstration of those study materials and courses can be provided to V.A.T.P.s upon request.)

Low Costs

The amount paid by our V.A.T.P.s to VMEdu, Inc. for the courseware/study materials is significantly less than the effort required by the training partner to launch the training on their own. V.A.T.P.s. also get approved to teach courses for multiple VMEdu accreditation bodies such as Sales and Marketing (SMstudy.com), Scrum and Agile (SCRUMstudy.com) and Six Sigma (6sigmastudy.com). Similarly, V.A.T.P.s can create and launch their courses on their own websites using the VMEdu Cloud LMS, create their own mobile apps, and sell their courses on the V.A.T.P. network at near-zero upfront cost.

Highly Scalable

V.A.T.P.s will have the ability to scale to multiple training courses very quickly with minimal upfront investment. Regular free Train-the-Trainer sessions are also conducted by VMEdu to help V.A.T.P.s train their faculty to successfully teach classes, even in subjects where they may not have prior teaching experience. All of the VMEdu courses and those offered by VMEdu Authorized Content Partners (V.A.C.P.s) will be available to our V.A.T.P.s as part of our platform. As VMEdu and our partners add more courses to their portfolios in the future, our partners will also have the option to teach those courses.


Using the VMEdu platform allows our V.A.T.P.’s students he flexibility to learn the way they want to using best-in-class mobile apps, online, physical classes, virtual instructor-led sessions, videos, case-studies, or hybrid courses.

Customer Acquisition

VMEdu helps it's V.A.T.P.s with customer acquisition by listing them in our different brand websites. Also having Best-in-Quality study materials and associating with VMEdu Inc (which is a global leader in adult education) helps our V.A.T.P.s win corporate contracts. Significant help is also provided to our V.A.T.P.s in website creation and Digital Media Marketing activities such as providing standard web pages and blogs that our partners can directly incorporate into their websites. Courses created by our V.A.T.P.s can be made available to our entire partner network of 1450+ V.A.T.P.s.

SaaS (Software as a Service) Business Model

VMEdu's SaaS-based platform allows all of our partners to pay–as–you–go to conduct training programs with minimal upfront investment. VMEdu’s strong back–end capabilities help our partners easily manage their relationships and training requirements with VMEdu Inc. (A demonstration of the backend platform can be provided upon request.)